Instrument Kits
Oracraft Perio Scaler S/8 PCS in Pouch #PSP8
Description: Oracraft instrument made of high quality stainless steel
For the removal of supragingival calculus and plaque from teeth. Scalers are used above the gum line.Use of a scaler below the gum line is likely to damage the gingiva (gums). Scalers have pointed ends.
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- Instrument Kits, Perio Instrument Kits, PERIODONTICS
Oracraft Perio Surgical Kit #PSIWC12
0 out of 5(0)Description: Oracraft instrument made of high quality stainless steel
- Peridontal Probe # POW6 # 6
- Suction Tube # ASPCT3
- Scaler Towner Jaquette # S204S # 6
- Tissue Plier Gerald Straight # TPG1
- Tissue Plier Gerald Curved # TPG2
- Casteroveijo Scissor Curved # S33
- Surgical Curette Lucas # CL86 # 4
- B.P Handle #10-130-5EM #4
- Periosteal Elevator Benque # PBQ #6
- Corn Suture Plier Premium # SP20
- Needle Holder Mayo-Hegar # NHMH
- Tissue Holding Forcep Adson # TP42
SKU: n/a - ACCESSORIES, Instrument Kits
Conservative Instruments with Cassette #CIWC19
0 out of 5(0)Description: Oracraft instrument made of high quality stainless steel
• Conservative Cassette includes below given instruments :-
- Single End Probe # EXS6XL
- Double End Probe # EXD5
- Marking Probe # POW6
- Mirror Handle # MH4 WITH TOP
- Tweezer # DP2
- Cement Spatula # CS4
- Spoon Excavator # EXC19H
- Ball Burnisher # BB22/23
- Round Condensor # PLG2
- Flat Condensor # PLGH3
- Plastic Filing # PF2
- Margin Trimmer # MT28H
- Margin Trimmer # MT29H
- Enamel Hatchet # CP53/54
- Enamel Chisel # CP7
- Enamel Hoe # CP24
- Diamond Shape Carver # CVFR2/3H
- Hollenback Carver # CVHL3S
- Ward Carver # CVWR1S
SKU: n/a - ACCESSORIES, Instrument Kits
Oracraft Endo Surgical Kit with Cassette #ESIWC13
0 out of 5(0)Description: Oracraft instrument made of high quality stainless steel
• Endo Surgical Cassette includes below given instruments :-
- B.P Handle 10-130-5EM
- Periosteal Elevator Benque PBQ
- Surgical Curette Lucas CL86
- Endo Excavator EXC31w
- Endo Excavator EXC33L
- Root Canal Plugger RCP30
- Root Canal Plugger RCP40
- Root Canal Plugger RCP1/3
- Root Canal Plugger RCP5/7
- Tissue Holding Forcep Adson TP42
- Castroveijo Scissor Curved S33
- Needle Holder Castroveijo Needle Holder Straight NHCVS
- Goldman Fox Scissor Curved S5081
SKU: n/a - ACCESSORIES, Instrument Kits
Oral Surgical Instrument with Cassette #SIWC10
0 out of 5(0)Description: Oracraft instrument made of high quality stainless steel
• Surgical Cassette includes below given instruments :-
- B.P. Handle Str # 10-130-5EM
- Needle Holder Mayo Hegar Str # NHMH
- Artery Forcep # HRPS
- Iris Scissor Straight # S17
- Iris Scissor Curved # S18
- Moon Probe # P13M
- Surgical Curette Lucas # CL88
- Bone Rongeurs # R1A
- Periosteal Elevator # P9
- Bone File Miller # BF52
SKU: n/a
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